25 August 2023

Two A Week

 We have an alcohol czar?

Two drinks a week?

Canada did this too, a while back.

This is from the same bunch of ninnies who demanded all kinds of bullshit about Wu Ping Cough too.

I think I shall ignore them, since they're proven to be wrong about every time they speak.


  1. My personal opinion is that there has been a big revolution in the alcohol business over the past few years. Here in Austin when I moved here 22 years ago there were maybe 2-3 craft brewers, a handful of wineries in the area and one distiller. Now we've got a couple dozen breweries, similar numbers of wineries and several distilleries. So back in the day, the big brewers were largely unionized, and the big mega corps all cow-towed to the Dumbasscrat party because they had to. These small alcohol producers are entrepreneurial. That means they much more likely align to conservative or libertarian (little 'l' kind) ideals. Of course that means that Biden and the wealthy libtard interests who pull his strings need to clamp down on that. Especially since a lot of those libtards have big interests in legal pot and see alcohol as a competitor. And they also have reasons to want to support the illegal drug market because it aligns with libtard values... street gangs, illegal immigration, etc.

    And frankly the US shouldn't be trying to emulate Canada. They aren't even a real country anyway.

  2. I haven’t met many Canadians… but the drinking habits of those I have met lead me to believe this is all a big misunderstanding.
    I’m pretty sure our Alcohol Czar accidentally read the Canuck elementary school guidelines. 2 drinks an hour (for hours on end) is a more realistic number when the adults start drinking for sport.


    1. Take off eh? You hoser! Pass me another Molson! Where did I leave my toque?

  3. Just wait, the Meat Czar is coming. And he/she/it will have an armed guard to enforce said meat rules.

    1. You will eat the bugs and enjoy them. Oh... And all meat will comply to Halal rules so we don't offend the Islamofascists. All this is really about enforcing austerity so that the intellectual elite rich liberals can rule over all the deplorables.

    2. Liberté! Égalité! Fraternité! Terreur et guillotine !
      Nous mangerons du gâteau !
      Vous perdrez la tête, comme Robespierre.

  4. Gosh. I am scratching my noggin over this, seems to me we tried this once before...... ah! Yes, it was called "prohibition" and it was overturned and stricken from the law a few years back. Just proves that no one learns history or from history any longer. Now in my 7th decade, have scaled back to maybe 4 beers a week, this is from choice as that used to be my average daily in younger times. That and nice shot of scotch on weekends seems to be OK for me, but it is no one's business much less of "the government",to tell a citizen what he can or can not consume of legal product. That goes for a lot of things, not just alcohol.

  5. they want our ceiling fans now...pretty soon we will be wiping with one hand and eating veggies with the other...panzer guy...


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