02 August 2023

Responsible And Safe

I'll expand a little on what Mr Richardson says here.

First, nobody is more responsible or safe than the normal gun owner.

Citing "gun safety" and "gun responsibility" are attempts to mollify the normal gun owner into thinking the anti-gun crowd isn't talking about them.

Except, we're on to them now.

I'll put forth something else.

"Normal gun owner."

We don't murder people.

We don't randomly shoot things.

We don't carelessly discharge our guns.

We don't even brandish unless there's a threat to contend with and, most of the time, we don't even shoot the threat!

Notice I don't say "average" or "law abiding" gun owner.

First, never appeal to the mean.

Obeying the laws is no guarantee that you will be let alone by the tyrannically bent.

Lots of law abiding Jews are no longer with us.

Don't trust that your normal, unharmful, behavior will remain legal.  I remember when they "banned" assault rifles and something I'd done prior to September 13, 1994 became illegal if I did it for the next ten years.

I stopped referring to myself as a law abiding gun owner because the laws are capricious and mercurial.


  1. If we were what they say we are, it would be so obvious even the most ardent lefty would admit Trump won.

  2. The laws and regulations (never forget about the regulations) are so twisted and warped that they can be 'interpreted' by someone, oh, say, a New York City district attorney, to do anything the person using lawfare against an individual wants. Same with BATFE, the FBI, the CIA (which isn't supposed to operate in our nation) and others like the EPA (navigable waterways especially, but just runoff of one's lawn, farm or ranch can suffice) and any other agency that's been granted police powers or bureaucratic powers. Like the IRS, who can now do everything they want via computer, including holding hearings without you present to determine your guilt.

    Don't pay that civil fine you didn't know about or violate some other civil regulation? There's a criminal attachment to that fine or regulation that will jam up a normal person and leave them with a criminal record (just being arrested, not convicted, can and will screw up Mr. and Mrs. Normalperson.)

    Banking regulations are especially heinous. They never tell you when you get a safe deposit box that it is a federal felony to put any money in it. So your carefully hoarded gold coins from Great Great Great Uncle Remus' legacy? Oh, it say's they're $10 coins, therefore money and you've just committed a felony. Or, gasp, actually put now-legal tender (like a penny collection or other coin collection, or actual cash) in, definite felony. Which the feds will, if they suspect it, seize and then charge you with aforementioned felony.

    Then there's carrying more than $8,000 in cash because the Feds made it illegal civilly to carry $10K and so if you're carrying more than $8k or $7k in some places it means you're trying to skirt the $10K law. So you're now a drug dealer and they'll find a way to make a felon out of you if you don't hand the money over to them, and even if you do you are now on a long, long list of people that are under investigation and the least little thing, like a traffic infraction (which if you don't pay makes you a criminal) will result in a criminal investigation.

    God forbid you have and proudly display your great great great uncle's Confederate paraphernalia, or your grandfather's seized Nazi stuff.

    Or try to bring in examples of functioning machinery for a lecture on school grounds, said functioning machinery even if rendered unfunctioning is now illegal and immoral.

    1. They never tell you when you get a safe deposit box that it is a federal felony to put any money in it..
      I understand the Reason why doing some things are illegal, but Why would it be illegal to protect your own money by stashing it in a little box in the bank? Not arguing with you, just trying to understand the Reason for a law like that. Or,maybe it's Only there to use against the unsuspecting to prosecute the people who are suffering from the evils of wrongthink. ?? I've always thought that any law had to have a foundation, a Reason Why, something that made sense. A legal framework that is created in order to make Doing Things that cause harm is reasonable. But to make something illegal that hurts nothing??
      So, is there any claim that stashing money somehow damaging to someone?


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