07 August 2023

Restored To Service

Moxie the other night decided that the RF brake would not release.

It'd happened once before and forcing the piston back into the bore on the caliper cured it for a year.

This time, I went for a more lasting fix.

I replaced the caliper AND the brake line.

The Lovely Harvey even played pedal monkey to bleed the brakes.

All done!  All better!

Tomorrow I think I shall do new pads on the other three corners to match the new ones on the new caliper.

Once it was all back together, I checked if it was the caliper or line that'd gone bad.

The sliders were nice and loose.

Without the line attached, the piston went back into the bore with just finger pressure.

Bad line!

This is the first time it's happened to me personally, but I am glad I took the belt and braces approach to the problem.  Replacing just the caliper and having the same issue in a few weeks would have upset me just a skosh.

Oh, doing it in the hot Florida evening sun was definitely a joy!

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