14 August 2023

My Mower's Engine

While watching videos to confirm the oil change procedure for my mower is really "turn it upside down and dump it out the fill hole." I've noticed that the Bolens by MTD with the Briggs and Stratton 500E engine is freaking beloved.

To think, we got it because it was cheapest mower Lowe's carried back in the day.


  1. turn it upside down and dump it out the fill hole."

    I wonder just how much a dingdang drain plug would have jacked the price..

    If a five gallon bucket fits over it, would it be easier on you to perch it on one?

    1. Technically, you just have to rotate it 90°. I'm going to just tilt it over my drain pan and let it splash.

    2. That sounds a lot easier on the back.. Bought it because it was The Cheapest one,, and got a winner.. Pretty rare find,

  2. MTD actually built a pretty decent mower back in the day. Briggs motors are simple and robust as a general rule. Simple and no-frills so often ends up well in the long run.

  3. My old Craftsman mower with a sidevalve Briggs & Stratton had a drain plug but the manual still said dump the oil out the filler tube. Since the plug was on the underside of the mower deck and blocked by the blade hub, turning the mower on its side to drain the oil is actually easier

    1. A lot of the old flathead B&S motors were like that. You often had to unbolt the motor from the deck to get to the drain plug. Definitely easier just to tip the whole mower up since it isn't like they're very heavy. The main thing to watch out for is spilling gas. If you're replacing the carb anyway, its easiest to change the oil when the whole carb assembly and tank are off. Then there is no worry. Otherwise you can just take the tank off if it isn't empty, it is usually only 2-3 bolts/screws.


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