29 August 2023

Intended Role

Dialing the way-back machine here.

Tinkering with my P220 makes me wonder about the pistol market back before you could get a CCW for the asking most places.

I remember most guns being full-size service pistols.

That you couldn't carry or hunt with.

Do you remember the gunwriters being shocked at how small a Glock 19 was back then?

I do.


  1. I remember back a few years ago when concealability usually meant going down to a .380 at least if not down to a .32 or smaller... .25 was still considered relevant.

    Now you can get a 9mm that is not much bigger than a Kel-Tec P3AT, which was considered pretty small for a locking block based .380 when it came out.

    No doubt the demand for concealed carry drove a lot of that development. Handguns going smaller though really started ina lot of ways due to the passage of the old 1994 AWB and the 10 round mag limit it contained. If you could only carry 10 rounds, then there was much less need for a full size wondernine anymore. Things went two directions... renewed intrest in big cartridges like .45 ACP and a push for smaller 9's.

  2. i have a G42 and G43X...like the 43X...thinking of putting a micro dagger slide on the frame, will save me from having to get an mos version...panzer guy

  3. Eh, for something around the size of a J Frame, I'll just take a J Frame because it conceals, carries, and draws from a front pocket better than any semi-auto of comparable size. Also, having your hand casually in your pocket, ready to draw, as you assess a situation makes for a very fast presentation if needed.

    But If I have to carry in some iteration of IWB, then a semi makes much more sense. -JKing


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