16 August 2023

Remember Water Vapor Kicks Carbon Dioxide's Ass

Tonga eruption increased the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere by 5%.

h/t Instapundit

That was almost a year ago that article was quietly published.

That one eruption did more in a week than we do in decades.

But we need to change how we behave because...  It will prevent plate tectonics? 

This comes to me just after I discover that a Nobel Prize winning physicist and a climatologist state that, "the man-made climate crisis is manufactured."


  1. a few articles i read said it's possibly 10%...and the reason for the hell scape we are probably going through in the south this summer...panzer guy

  2. The problem is, we've got people in influential positions who are so fanatically "anti-pollution" that they feel any lie, any misrepresentation, is all right as long as it gets people to cut "pollution." Like a lot of other movements, the ecology/anti-pollution movement had good intentions and made some good points when it started out, but didn't know when to stop or understand the concept of "point of diminishing returns." Anti-nuclear hysteria added to the mix doesn't help.

  3. "We can change the weather if we destroy the economies of the West, and pay the government more in taxes" said no actual scientist ever.


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