08 August 2023

Purse Swinging

There's a tiff going on among tank-history YouTubers.

Something that's nice about making plausible tanks for GURPS: T2K is I'm making stats for a game where pi = 3!

I try to get a realistic number for guns and armor, but at the end of the day any errors I introduce don't matter because it's a game.

In the context of T2K, a Sherman is an unstoppable monster because nobody EVER buys an anti-tank weapon when the things are so darn rare.

My reputation for GURPS vehicles doesn't rely on getting things absolutely correct.

Just playable.

I just have to make sure that a round from a given gun spangs off the armor of a tank that's well known to be immune.

1 comment:

  1. Even a tankette with a bow-mounted machine gun is a gorrdarned monster against people who have no anti-armor weapons.

    An uparmored dumptruck is a battle wagon, expecially if outfitted as a gun-truck, against ground-only fighters.

    A trash truck (like in "V") is an APC against light weapons only.

    An actual tank? Even a Stuart or one of those laughable Imperial Japanese light tanks is a Kaiju monster that's gonna stomp on everyone without decent anti-tank weapons.

    Just look at the latest "All Quiet on the Western Front." Those dog-turd St. Chamonds are death incarnate against people who can't penetrate the front armor, and that 75mm is death to anything that gets in front of it.

    Monsters are monsters for a reason.

    Just like a mounted knight was a monster to armed footmen, an actual armored vehicle is a monster against groundpounders who have no anti-vehicle weapons.

    Which is why knowledge of improvised anti-vehicle weapons is a must. Tree trunks in the road wheels. Molotov cocktails. Paint over the air intakes. Anything that will block vision slits, cut off air to the engine, block or break track.

    Physical barriers, tank traps, anti-tank ditches, fallen buildings, basements that have all the supports removed, anything.

    And that's not including the guided-vehicle full of gas, propane tanks, oxygen cylinders and artillery rounds that can pull out behind the Monster and smash it then blow up.

    Yeesh, use some imagination people! Use your I-mag-in-a-tion!!!


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