16 August 2023

You Can Tell She's Not Mexican

 Some Ozzie Gint Hates America

She's sick of seeing the American flag everywhere while she's here in America.

First, if you don't like it, go home.

Second, I just FUCKING LOVE it when some fucking foreigner comes here to tell me what I'm doing wrong couched in the phrase, "nobody else does it."

Go back home, Bitch.  Stay there.

You have mistaken our leaving the door open as an invitation.


  1. i second...panzer guy

  2. So why is she here? Playing for the US Women's Kickball team.

  3. Reason #3,472,867 for thinking they should have spelled Twitter with an "a" instead of an "i".

    Dear Bint:
    Oz is 8000 miles southwest.

  4. From this I can conclude that Australians are ashamed of their flag and the Stars and Stripes have such a successful marketing campaign that a foreigner who hates us can draw our flag from memory. Can we send her to the UK so she can whine about the prevalence of the flag of her colonial overlords?


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