27 August 2023

The Important Preps


Meanwhile, at Marv's...

No reason to take chances!


  1. How to know the severity of the storm.

    Cantore isn't in your state: You're safe.

    Cantore is in your state: Time to make sure your basic preps are okay.

    Cantore is in a county next to you: Time to finalize all preps and start seriously moving everything inside.

    Cantore is in your county: Top off the tank if you handn't, and hunker down.

    Cantore is in in your city: OMG!'

    Cantore is next to your domicile: You're gonna die.

  2. Lol, that is a funny Cantore meme. Really strange how some neighborhoods are left in dark with neighboring lights hardly even flickered. Coupla years ago, we hit the trifect. Our home among 7 other 'lucky' winner neighbors had our transformer blow and we had to wait an additional 5 days for electricity. We laughed and laughed.


  3. I think it was back in '04 when Frances was coming this way, I woke up, turned on the Weather Channel while getting ready for work and Jim was in my city, at the intersection of I-95 and one of the big east-west roads.

    That was a real, "holy crap!" moment.


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