03 August 2023

Important Public Safety Message

Gen X is not locked in here with you.

You are locked in here with Gen X.

Adjust your plans accordingly, because we're functional without the internet and read and write cursive.


  1. I can do it but I find reading and even more so writing cursive to be painful. I could function without the Internet but I wouldn't like it much. One big thing is -- we know how to use OSes without being dependent on a GUI. We understand how computers really work under the covers. We know cars that don't have an OBD port.

    The big thing is it seems like Millennials and Gen Z really have no idea what Gen X even is. They see anyone over 40-ish as a "boomer". They also don't understand that Boomers and Gen X invented the Internet, and just about every major technology they use. We may hate our cell phones some times, but we are not all computer illiterate, nor are all the young people computer geniuses just because they grew up with them being pervasive.

    We were "latch key" kids. We had to fend for ourselves. We didn't get trophies just for showing up.

    We are tired of Boomers calling us slackers and Millennials calling us Boomers.

  2. we know the places they won't ever find the bodies...panzer guy

  3. We can also drive stick shift cars.

  4. Man, everyone forgets GenX and we're fine with that. I wish the zoomers well and may they burn it all down. -JKing


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