30 August 2023

So Far So Good

We got some rain.

It's breezy, not windy.

We got a lot less wind than we were expecting and it was mostly from a direction that has a good break for my house provided by houses at a higher elevation than me.

When the wind shifts to the "bad" direction, Idalia will be weaker and farther away.

Knock on wood, the power has been steady.  That makes sense because they were JUST out here for a fallen tree and they took chainsaws to a lot of other threatening wood when they were fixing the downed line.

Looks like it's going to be serious up north and possibly a Cat 4!

Fingers crossed for them.


  1. The locals here are going stupid. Well, it is the center of lefty culture, so...

    As to the preditions, so far only 20-30mph winds here in Gainesville expected.

    Though, like you, I, too, am prepared to repel boarders just in case.

  2. I'm no meteorologist but it will be interesting to see what happens if this storm stays together and makes it back over the Atlantic again.

    Glad it looks like things around you are mild and I hope that it is also lesser for those further along the track.


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