05 August 2023


I don't remember if I mentioned it, but it bears repeating.

I support LGBT causes because, in the way back, the LGBT people supported me.

I was a gaming geek.

This was before video games and before table-top role playing games were mainstream.

Gaming geeks were subject to the usual bullying from the normal sources of bullies.

The only people in the entire high school who treated us as if we were humans were the LGBT folks.

Let me say that again.


I remember that kindness.

They earned my gratitude.

They had my back when everyone else was looking to stab it.

I will be there for them, and your invisible friend had better manifest and PROVE they're real before I turn my back on them.

You're invited to read someone else's blog if you don't like it.


  1. When I was in HS, we didn't have open LGBs around. However, I do understand your position. I'm kind of the same way. While I am not a Mormon and have no intention of ever becoming one, I am always kind and pleasant to Mormon missionaries when I run across them. Some Mormon missionaries got my passport back to me when I lost it in Taiwan, and, like you, I do not forget a favor done me.

  2. He. Must be nice. I was the straight guy who all the cheerleaders talked to so their boyfriends would get jealous then beat me. Nobody was protecting my skinny butt, not even the other gamers. Of course, this was back in the day before LGs were 'out' and 'about.'

    Still, as Technomad points out, doesn't hurt to be nice to people just because.

  3. Mid 80's for me... Was not so much the LGB crowd, but the group of people I hung around with were way out on the edge, not really fitting into the nice neat "cliques" in out decent sized HS (1200-1300 Students). "Mixed ethnic neighborhood" and on the edges of a few other group's territories so we had no real choice but stick together. And so, a lot of us violent outcasts just hung out together and did stuff that might have been considered weird by others, but a group of above average IQ types who got bored and so... RPG's, BattleTech, SFB and other games were all great and I suppose a blessing of living in a decent sized city (Joliet), so lots of "normal" things for the "normal" folks to go forth and do... But the whole "live and let live" attitude stayed with me. I'm told that is sort of unusual, but got me pretty far, so I figure it was a good thing.

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