03 August 2023

What If The Right Notices

A few times now I've noticed that resorting to violence gets your cause advanced in America or, at least, you get left alone to do your thing unopposed.

Nobody says boo to Islam.  Their community includes a portion that's perfectly willing to kill people to make their point.

People noticed and chilled their speech so as to not offend that portion of their community and keep from being targeted for death.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are also out there committing violence and property damage.

They're left alone, for the most part.

What will happen when "the right" notices that violence works?

It's already been pointed out that if January 6th was an actual, armed insurrection then AOC would have literally been killed rather than the figurative death she's said was "literal".

Read that again, kids.

An actual armed insurrection would have seen those congress people trapped in the capitol building killed.

And lots of those cops helpfully opening the doors.

And lots of the insurrectionists because the cops would have been fighting back.

The right is painfully aware of what's happening to people who weren't doing any insurrecting at all that day.

I am wonder if any of them are having a Solzenitsyn moment sitting in jail waiting on their trespassing trial.

At the other end of the scale, people are starting to notice that if the cops aren't coming... It means THE COPS AREN'T COMING!

And if the cops aren't coming to stop the shoplifter, they aren't coming when you beat the shit out of them for stealing from you.  It's a short trip from there to shoot, shovel, shut up.

Those cameras were put in the convenience store to help ID the thief and enable the cops prosecute the criminal.  When those record vigilante justice instead...  Those cameras will disappear.

Stay frosty out there.


  1. I can't disagree with any point you've made here. I've made some of those points to libtards on other forums before. They get really butthurt when they stop to consider that their de-funding the police also means that the police won't come when they call either. They're so used to being all warm and comfy with leftist terrorists like BLM and Antifa (who are REALLY the biggest threat to Democracy -- they're openly Maoist/Stalinists after all)
    being coddled by the media and the government that they don't stop to think what happens if those people actually meet active resistance and the Police aren't there to back them up.

  2. Yes, it does however open dangerous doors... And why I was really trying to get my family away from IL to TX where at least the general attitudes are more in line with my own... I hope things do not come to that, but...

    I think a bigger concern for the country might be "the supply chain"... Truckers remember what happened in LA during one of the more recent riots that hit there, and with the general lawlessness I'd be surprised if truckers will be willing to go to a lot of places where "group 'x'" has taken effective control... Insert BLM/Antifa, whatever.. I remember reading that it was only 9 meals to anarchy or something similar? That seems like things will get very bad very quickly when it does hit the fan as it were, and given the history it will not likely get better easily and direct intervention ala Martial Law seems the only viable way out. and pretty sure no one in their right mind wants that... Well, anyone who understands what that actually means and is not trying to use it to take complete control...

    But just my opinion, hoping that it blows over as it were...

    1. The far left is trying to cause a major breakdown of society in order to create their "great reset". They want to have an excuse to declare martial law and impose their new Soviet/CCP styles one world governement. Nobody in their right mind wants any of that. But those people believe that they'll come out on top of it. In their pipe dreams they'll be the new Mao or Stalin or at least part of that inner circle. Of course a lot of them will be wrong and will be lined up against the wall and shot when the revolution they worked for comes. But those useful idiots never seem to see it coming. Hard to feel sorry for them though. Hard even to feel sorry for the lesser useful idiots who believe in those BS leftist philosophies that don't even begin to pass muster of reality. The reality of leftist governments in the end game is always austerity for everyone, and brutal tyranny to impose it.

    2. The fix was in against the truckers when Reginald Denny had to apologize for striking bricks and feet with his head in the LA riots after the peaceful and meek giant Rodney King first whupped up on cops and then justly got his arse beat for it.

  3. Thing is, those convenience store cameras will be used by the police and prosecutors. Against the store defenders, not against the thieves, mopes, jerks, robbers, attackers and other vibrant and diverse descriptions of vibrant and diverse peoples.

    The cigarette bandit is lucky the Sikhs didn't whip out their required knives and go stabby stabby against said bandit. (And the Sikhs started out peaceful, until meeting the religion of pieces, and suddenly one of their main tenets was 'Defend yourself and others!')

    Probably the only thing holding the local prosecutor from filing charges from kidnapping (holding a person against their wishes) to physical assault is that the Sikh community is rather vocal about people attacking them.


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