17 August 2023

Hurricane Hilary

It's off the West coast of Mexico right now and it's a monster.

Looks to be hitting Southern California as a tropical storm in a few days.

The first tropical anything to hit Southern California since 1939.

I have to wonder...

Are hurricanes known to cause cancer in California according to prop 65?


  1. No, but at 95° and 98% humidity at 7AM, they're giving us some f**king Florida weather right now.
    If I wanted to live in the Everglades, I'd have moved there.

    Gonna be interesting to see what it does when it gets here.
    August rain is a rare thing hereabouts.
    The surfing on the south-facing beaches is liable to be tremendous, for those into that sort of thing.

  2. If anything it will reduce cancer. A good dousing will help suppress and prevent fires. I've already seen news articles from Oregon about rain from Hilary helping with our big fires,, or at least suppressing the smoke in the air

    1. Note: It'll suppress current fires.
      5:1 the rain will spur new growth now that'll dry out and then burn twice as big in a couple of months, when brushfire season really kicks off down here.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Am I bad because I picture a hurricane wearing some awful pants suit?


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