08 October 2023

Another Forgotten Book

Long ago, a friend loaned me a book.  I think it was new in '96 or 97.

It was a science-historical-fantasy novel about a Viking kid.

Things I remember:

There was a bad guy who had had his arms and legs cut off by the Vikings.

The symbol for the kid's god was a ladder.

And a scene where they "christen" a ship by running it over captives on the runners so the blood would sanctify the launch.

There's a scene where they get visions from drinking some icky concoction then again when they drink the piss from that...

And that is about it.

It was apparently the first book of a trilogy.


  1. Maybe one on this list? Not sure if these are old enough...


  2. I think I remember the same books. Harry Harrison was the author, IIRC. It sounds like _The Hammer and the Cross._ He cowrote it with another guy, a Tolkien scholar.

  3. Unfortunately the person I'd ask about that sort of thing was Gerb. Long live the Gerb. You are missed. Save a place for me in Valhalla.


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