26 October 2023

What Happened To The Red Flag Law

The alleged shooter has a history of mental illness.

Maine has a red flag law.

I was assured that such laws would keep this from happening.

Was I lied to again?


  1. Maine is a deep blue state, it has been for years. "Red Flag" laws are BS. They don't work. They're never enforced the way they are supposed to be. Instead of being used to disarm truly crazy people, you know, people who should be locked up and not running around free to begin with, instead of doing what they are supposed to do, they are REALLY used mostly to harrass political opponents... you know, "mean old Republicans". They're part of the pattern of abuse of authority amongst libtard politicians. The same kind of thing of how they use BATFE as their jack booted thugs to go in, burn people's houses down, kill their children and their dogs. Democrats can't hide it anymore. They've always been the kind of Stalinist/Maoist scum that is the biggest danger to a free society.

    So yeah, you were lied to. Pretty much everything a libtard says, especially when it comes to firearms is a lie.

  2. Then they would not have their background story

  3. when aren't we lied to?...red flag laws are only there to punish the honest guy...panzer guy


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