02 October 2023

Shut The Fuck Up

Paul David Hewson, better known as Bono, sure has a lot of opinions about how we Americans should run our lives and government.

Seeing as he's not a US citizen, I invite him to no longer darken our shores with his presence.

I further invite him, and all foreign nationals who happen to be famous and rich to do likewise and be silent about our domestic politics.

If he'd been bitching about something Trump had done to Eire, I'd let him rant, it affects his home country.

But, no, he complains like he belongs here.

Which, since he has not bothered to get naturalized, he does not.

PS: I did not even bother to check to see if his opinions agree with mine.  His opinion on these matters are irrelevant and will not be used to support or discourage my arguments.


  1. He can go F himself. My dad used to intentionally wear orange on St. Patrick's Day. I think maybe he was on to something there.


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