24 October 2023

I've Met Them

Getting caught up in Islamophobia is pretty easy when there's savages murdering people and claiming Islam as their justification for doing so.

The urge to cry, "kill them all and let God know his own!" is pretty compelling.

There's a bit of an issue.

Islam is not a monolithic thing.

There are moderate Muslims.

There are very secular Muslims.

More than a few live here in the USA to escape the more radical, savage, interpretation of their religion.

Many branches of Islam still advocate death to heretics and apostates and in their native lands, they do kill those whom wish to trod a more moderate path.

The problem, here in the US, is determining one from the other when deciding if we're going to let them move here.

Worse, while they might be fine; too often their children prove vulnerable to being radicalized.

No, I don't have a solution, just making an observation.

Too often Islam is not compatible with the norms of Western Civilization, but it's a friction point that could be lubricated; but it requires something of a reformation from Islam and making the moderate and more secular version to become the mainstream.

That will be intolerable to the radical versions, it's literally an affront to God to depart from their interpretation of their scriptures.

Another wrinkle is Islam being the state religion of several nations.  That means there will be a State sanctioned version of the Holy Text and other versions will be illegal.

This has hampered research and archaeology.  Just like the Bible and Torah, there have been finds of different versions of the Quran.  Some of these have just disappeared and scientists expelled or censored.

A huge thing that the more radical versions of Islam in America need to get is we're serious about religious freedom.  A huge thing about that is there's no punishment from The State for deciding you don't want to be a member of any given religion anymore and that some religions punishment for doing so is illegal.  Your kid decides they want to be an atheist, you can disown them, but you can't kill them.

Knowing that there are Muslims who handle this just fine is great.  It means there's hope that the murdering might stop without one side being completely scoured from the earth.

Sadly, the nature of terrorism means that a small number of people can do vast damage.

1 comment:

  1. True that there are moderate and even liberal Muslims.


    Where are the moderate and liberal Muslims condoning murders done in the name of Islam? Or even against any other actions done in the name of Islam?

    Where are the protests against Islamic slavery in Africa and the Middle East by moderate or liberal Muslims.

    Where are the marches in support of Israel's existence? (An Israel, which, by law, treats its internal muslims quite well. Their desert nomadic muslims are quite popular as scouts and trackers.)

    Where are the marches and gatherings that protest against the jihadists?

    Where are the marches and protests against Iran by other muslims? Against the Taliban by other muslims? Against the way Syria and Iran have ruined christian Lebanon?

    Where are the protests by moderate and liberal muslims when Islamic savages destroy world historical sites?

    Where's the outpouring of charity by muslims directed to non-muslims when a disaster strikes somewhere in the world?

    Yes. There are moderate and liberal muslims. But their tacit support of the hard-liners, be they state or non-state hard-liners, by not sounding out against the hardliners is overwhelming.


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