29 October 2023

Crazy Cat People Limit

We are now back to three cats.

A neighborhood stray kitten was getting increasingly bold and plaintive.

We started by leaving out some food and seeing if it came back.

The food and water disappeared.

This went on a couple of days without seeing it.

But then, while we were watching Hockey on the back patio she (for we got a good look) came back and complained about the service.

I went outside with a bowl of food and she would come to eat within arms reach.  She'd scamper away if I tried to reach for her, but she stayed on the back patio.

No sign of her Friday because we weren't out there.

But tonight she came back and was being playful when I tried to pet her.

Plus she was walking up, almost to petting range then scampering away.

She WANTED to trust us.

Eventually I got a pet in.

She decided she liked it and shortly submitted to being picked up.

And she'd let me pick her up again after being put down.

Shortly, we had her on the back porch and she fell asleep in the crook of my arm.

We now have her in a carrier so the other two can get used to the idea, though they'd exchanged words through the screen several times already.

Things appear to be going well, so far.


  1. sounds just like a cat... cats are either aliens or women in small fur coats...panzer guy

  2. We had a horse barn and no barn cat. Nature abhors a vacuum so a cat has moved in about two weeks ago. Really a big kitten. Slowly got use to me in the barn and not hiding. Slowly got to a point that would let me touch it. Now runs to me and meows to be fed and if I sit down on the floor will come over for fist bumps to the head.
    Bad news its a female so we will have to get it spayed.
    I wanted to call it FNG, my wife overruled me and it's known as Newbie. We hope it can keep away from the coyotes.

  3. We're back to four cats since this spring. Out latest addition was found in the wheelwell of a C8 Corvette at a car show in Lampassas. It rode home in the back of our C6 in two clothes baskets from Dollar General duct taped together to make a cat cage because that was about the only place close by that was open on the weekend.


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