04 October 2023

I Did Not Get The Message

While my phone was screaming with everyone else's, it went unnoticed because we were working on the front porch.

We now have four of the five panels replaced.

The last one will need more measuring because of the light.

We're considering adding another electrical outlet for Halloween decorations while we're up there too.


  1. Out of prurient interest: Where you live, what rules are there about doing electrical and plumbing work yourself?

    Here in West Oz, the hardware stores will sell you all the tools and parts, but you MUST employ a registered electrician or plumber to actually do the work .

    1. No such laws here in Texas for the most part. Some jobs like ones related to natural gas hookup like a water heater are supposed to be inspected by a licensed plumber, but if there are any rules about who can do electrical or plumbing work for the most part if they exist they aren't really enforced. Maybe in the major cities they might be more so but in smaller towns or suburbs not as much. And I live in an unincorporated area just outside one of the suburbs (my back fence is the city limits) so there really is little to no enforcement here. Ostensibly the county could I suppose but they've got other things to worry about.

      Things like additions or major structural changes you are technically supposed to get building permits to do... but in general practice most people don't bother unless it is something big.

      Now, I expect that in the Stalinist/Maoist controlled "blue states", California, New York, New Jersey, etc... that they probably are a lot more intrusive. That's why I'd never live in one of those totalitarian $#!+#0l3$

    2. Some things require an inspection to get insurance if they're aware you worked on it.

      No barriers to doing your own work.

  2. Most of the US allows electrical and plumbing work by anyone but some jurisdictions are stricter. Also some work needs to be inspected and approved by a licensed professional or government inspector. This is essential for insurance since they won't pay out damage from unapproved work. In my case complexity and risk are also factors. I don't hesitate to replace an electric outlet or plumbing fixture but called a pro to wire the hot tub to panel via disconnect.


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