23 October 2023

This Could Get Interesting

Puty Baby appears to have had a heart attack.

Is there a clear successor?


  1. Comment I just heard is "couldn't happen to a nicer man".

  2. Don't trust the news at all. Remember when Xi 'disappeared' in the CCP only to appear a week later and lots of people actually disappeared?

    Vlad has had 'bad' days before, and it's usually followed by people being self-defenestrated multiple times while stabbing themselves in the back and being shot in a park while their offices are being cleaned. (Or am I mixing Vlad with the Clintons? They act very similarly, don't they?)

    You'll know Vlad is dead when we see a replay of The Death of Stalin. Someone will find him, after 37 hours or so, having finally suffered The Big One. Meanwhile a cast of characters right out of... "The Death of Stalin" will all be running around stabbing each other in proper Russian fashion.

    Interesting times, right when Mother Russia is supposedly doing so well in Ukraine and bolstering up the evil side of the Middle East while entering into a Tri-part association with the Norks and ChiComs.

    And, yes, if this is real, well, what Software Janitor said.

    But I trust nothing coming out of Russia.


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