26 October 2023

Let's Go Poachin' Now

Everybody's learnin' how

C'mon and kill deer with me!

Will it GURPS?

The American Whitetail Hoofrat has 10 HP and no DR with a HT of 12.

.22LR from a rifle does 1d+2 pi-.

.22 Long from a rifle does 1d+1 pi-

.22 WMR from a rifle does 3d-1 pi-; but you'd use hollow points to get 3d-1(0.5) pi.

Aiming for the skull:

.22 LR will do 3-8 points of raw damage, 2 DR for the bone, 1-6 penetrates x4 for the brain hit: 4-24 points of damage.  The average roll will see 3 penetrate for 12 points of damage.  So a roll of 5 or 6 has a chance to kill it right there.

.22 Long will do 2-7 points of raw damage, 2 DR, 0-5 penetrates and 0-20 points of damage.  Average roll sees 2 penetrate for 8 points of damage.  You need to roll a 6 for a chance to kill.

.22 WMR will do 2-17 points of raw damage, double DR because hollow points, 0-13 penetrates for 0-52 points of damage.  The average roll of 10 will see 6 penetrate and do 24 points of damage.  Any roll of 9 or higher has a chance to kill.

Aiming for vitals.

.22 LR, same 3-8 raw damage, no DR, 3-8 penetrates x3 for the vitals hit: 9-24 points of damage.  Average roll will be 5 for 15 delivered.  Any roll of 7 or higher has a chance to kill.

.22 Long, same 2-7 raw damage, no DR, 2-7 penetrates, 6-21 points of damage.  Average roll will be 4 for 12 delivered.  Again, you need to roll max damage to get a chance of killing it.

.22 WMR, same 2-17 raw damage, 1-16 penetrates because no DR is 1 DR for hollow points, 3-48 points of damage.  Average will have 9 penetrate for 27 damage.  Any roll of 8 or higher has a chance to kill.

Aiming for the body:

.22 LR will get 3-8 points to penetrate, but small piercing is halved for 1-4 points of damage.

.22 Long will get 2-7 points to penetrate and get it halved to 1-3 points of damage.

.22 WMR will get 1-16 to penetrate for 1-16 points of damage.

Aiming for the eyes:

.22 LR will get 3-8 to penetrate because no skull DR on an eye hit for 12-32 points of damage.

.22 Long will get 2-7 to penetrate for 8-28 points of damage.

.22 WMR will get 1-16 to penetrate for 4-64 points of damage.

If the deer is wearing a bullet proof vest, no rimfire .22 can hurt it.

It could happen.

Why else do we need AR-15s for?

But a good shot and some luck with the damage shows that you can shoot a deer with a rimfire 22 and make it venison.


  1. .22LR fired rom a Ruger 10/22 or similar rifle is the preferred poacher's weapon, as the guns are pretty silent over long distances in comparison to a .223 or larger/more powerful cartridge.

    Unless one is using some kind of can to suppress the sound. In that case, .22LR becomes darned near quiet over medium distances.

    I did know a guy who was ear and eye accurate over poaching distances. He could get squirrels, raccoons and hoofrats all with the same gun.

  2. Thanks for the GURPS, err memories LOL.

    Man, the poachers around here are LUCKY with Dice, schedule a trip to Vegas Baby LOL.

    So please riddle me this: My Head had a DR 0f 2, yet a deer has NO DR rating?

    What protection level add on (aka armor) has a DR of 2?

  3. One former poacher I know used a Marlin 62 Levermatic in .30 carbine for his dirty work. He had used a .22 Magnum rifle before, but had lost a few in the region's heavy brush so went to a slightly larger round. The .30 is fairly quiet, even in a carbine barrel.



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