16 October 2023


I am not a photographer.

I take pictures, but I don't call myself a photographer.

All I need to do is check what Oleg or Tam are doing with their cameras and I happily concede that I don't know near as much about getting the best shot.

I like to think I have an eye for composition.

But I don't know what I don't know much of the time.

But I have fun!

With all that said...

In a couple of picture threads on some forums; Holy shit, I'm a photographer!

I realized that while I don't know as much as I'd like and I can't do what I want sometimes, I have managed to learn something about how to take pictures and am getting better results than my early work.


Better cameras help!  But even that will not compensate for framing the subject from too far away...

Still, I am an egg.

I'm still learning and still having fun.


  1. I think we all learn as we go. My early photos were cringeworthy - the subject put on a featureless object. Often times, my hoof was seen at the edge of the photograph because I wasn't paying attention. Just awful.

    But as time went on, I got better at it. At least they are in focus and close enough to get the details. And no more hoofs, at least intentionally, lol.

    I think you take great photos.


  2. Having an eye for composition, a grasp of the technology, and a mental image of what you want will are keys to good photos. Equipment sometimes helps. I justified getting a DSLR to supplement my first digital camera because the point and shoot couldn't produce the image in my mind and the basic DSLR did. I have not purchased a newer camera because I get the results I want.


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