15 October 2023

Measure Countermeasure

Dear YouTube, your cute little pop-up telling me that adblockers aren't allowed on YouTube while whatever plug-in I've installed still blocks the ads...

It's telling me that you have been stymied on how to get around what I'm using.

Perhaps if parent company Google could figure out from their vast, intrusive, personal information gathering tentacles what products and services I'm actually interested in...

I'd not feel like blocking four minutes of advertising for every six minutes of video.

Perhaps if there were more than five distinct ads.

I'd not feel like blocking four minutes of advertising for every six minutes of video.

Perhaps if the ads were entertaining enough to watch more than once.

I'd not feel like blocking four minutes of advertising for every six minutes of video.

Perhaps if the ratio of ads to video wasn't four minutes of advertising for every six minutes of video.

I'd not feel like blocking four minutes of advertising for every six minutes of video.

I tolerated the ads for a really long time before installing the plug in I'm using.

It was getting to the point that I was considering not bothering watching anything on YouTube at all.

Consider that, YouTube.

You provide nothing that I cannot live without.

If you ruin the entertainment value with the disproportionate ratio of ad to content; I will go be entertained elsewhere.


  1. Not only youtube, but a lot of other sites run ads that are at best garbage, and at worst vile and utter bovine excrement. I'll name a few, and feel free to delete this without posting it. Your site, your rules.

    Instapundit, Ace of Spades, Powerline, Big Country, CDAN, and the list scrolls on forever. I understand that this is a business, especially for the PJ Media crowd, which I've long ago renamed "Bedwetters Media". Still, one would think that some legitimate advertisers would occasionally make an appearance on their sites. Instead, I have to suffer through 1000 plane raids of "doctors astounded at this cure for athletes foot", or the ever popular "You'll never have to take the blue pill again!" ads, complete with slutty looking women who appear to have been pulled from their meth dens or $5 bl@w jobs gigs in the local Target parking lot. (You REALLY don't want me to start discussing treatments for high blood pressure and diabetes...LoL!)
    Even family friendly sites, such as Love Meow, often run ads that appear to be pushing the limits of degeneracy with an industrial strength bulldozer. I'm increasingly tempted to simply disconnect from the internet and ask the Invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster to drop a thousand gross containers of megaton level canned sunshine around the world.

    1. My favorite are the ads that are placed just like articles on places like Breitbart.

  2. The worst is when the ads totally hose site functionality. After the Wall Street guy took over G/O Media Jalopnik became painful to use and drove to locate and sideload Blokada on my phone just to make comments load.
    Cory Doctorow's theory of enshittification is playing out in front of us.

  3. YouTube started that a few days ago, I use add blocker+ & it has a way to block adds that get through. Right click on add & highlight it & hit block & away goes their notice.


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