27 October 2023

Keine Nazi?

As the extent of antisemitism within and among the Democrats and liberals is revealed; I am almost surprised.

The reason I am not really surprised is I remember which party has consistently done things to suppress minorities.

They're old hands at it.

Abraham Lincoln wasn't Democrat.

It wasn't a Republican administration that turned MS St Louis away from our shores.

It wasn't a Republican administration that built concentration internment camps.

It wasn't a Republican administration that savagely broke having strong nuclear families for blacks.

It wasn't Republicans what promulgated the red line/green line scheme to keep blacks concentrated in ever smaller, more urban areas while their family structure was being gutted.

It's not conservatives who are going for speech codes, silencing and cancelling people who don't march lock-step with them.

It's not conservatives who fervently try to ban firearms.

On the whole, I can see which side of the political divide is willing to let me be and which one wants to meddle.


  1. I find it ironic that college students protesting in favor of Palestinian war crimes are displaying swastikas. Now we see their true colors. Not that it has been any secret as for years they've iconified brutally oppressive murderers like Che, Mao and occasionally even Stalin or Lenin.

    1. Not so ironic. Many muslims and muslim areas went fully for the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler. So did quite a few in India.

    2. I do find it shocking. Not that they support mass murdering totalitarian thugs; as you say, they've been doing that openly for years. But as of last month, they were always scrupulous about branding. To openly embrace the German murder logo instead of the Russian one, after all the investment they have in pretending that there's some powerful moral distinction between the two? That's huge, psychologically. It might even cost them some supporters.

    3. Well, to a certain extent my expression of shock and irony was intended to be sarcasm of course. It is not in fact shocking that leftists embrace mass murdering totalitarian thugs. Stalin may have actually killed more Jews than Hitler but Hitler was more famous for it. Mao only didn't kill a lot of Jews because there weren't many in China. If there had been given a lot of them are the kind of businesspeople and academic types that he hated, I'm sure it would have been a different story.

      I do agree with FuzzyGeff that it is surprising that leftists have so openly embraced Nazi symbols. I suspect it is because it is the most anti-Jew they can get and antisemitism is big on the left. Even a lot of leftist Jews seem to be self-hating. It is suprising how many support Hamas and Hezbolah over Isreal.

      But yes, I think a few moderate people may finally see this now that the Islamofascists and their bootlicking leftist supporters are full on for Nazi style genocide of Jews.

    4. One would hope.

      Some author some where described muslims as people who have the best opportunities but the worst timing. Or, you know, they could copulate-up a wet dream.

      What surprises me is the wave of anti-semitism and anti-Judaism that is being expressed here, in these United States, by people who have no connection with Islam. As our host pointed out.

      I mean, I knew some Holocaust deniers back in the day, thought they were idiots, but this? Full blown flag waving jerkwads that would make Illinois Nazis blush in shame? Yikes!

    5. The current mess is worse than holocaust deniers. These people are holocaust celebrators.

  2. most college students are morons... they didn't learn anything in high school... they aren't learning anything in college... and most of their teachers are anti American... shouldn't surprise anyone... if it ain't on social media it never happened or is a lie.... that's the society we have created... panzer guy

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