11 October 2023


Granted that the mainstream medial lies through their teeth all the time...

It's dangerous to assume they like about everything every time.

Yes, if they say the sky is blue, you go check; but don't just sit there and proclaim that the sky is not blue because the MSM said it was.

More often than you'd like to believe, they ARE simply reporting events as they're happening.


  1. I agree that outright falsehood is very rare. Heavily slanted coverage by selective truth and loaded language is the norm. Comparing sources with opposing slants may produce a crossed polarizing filter effect and cancel out the bias.

    1. I agree with this. The biggest sin of the press is the sin of omission. They just bury any story that doesn't fit their political agenda. Next is slanting what they do cover. They tend to love to use every cheating way of bending the news to fit their narrative. Appeals to authority with their often faked up "experts", Straw man set-ups of people on the other side to try to discredit, and plenty of Red Herrings thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately there are so few media outlets that aren't far left of center. The left thinks that FOX News is far right, but it is only because they are so far left that to them the middle seems right. Some of the talking heads on FOX are ostensibly right, but the actual news coverage is barely right of center at most, and generaly pretty center or even left of center. OAN and Newsmax are more right, but have at least partially been de-platformed by cable providers. Contrast that to the plethora left leaning if not outright hard left networks... MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, NPR, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc... And of course BBC, Aj Jezera, etc.


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