05 October 2023

But But But

I remember the last time a US president tried to build a wall on the southern border.

Wasn't that a sign of fascism or something?


  1. Maybe they are not trying to hide it anymore? :-) Not like a small wall section will do anything along that boarder, but...

  2. I bet their internal polling is giving them hell.
    Even sanctuary cities are telling him/his puppet masters to do something to stop the flood.


  3. We do need immigration reform. REAL reform. What the Democrats mean when they use those words is to make things WORSE rather than solve the problems. What they want to do actually makes things worse for everyone. They want to just completely open things up and make it even more anarchy than it is now. Real reforms like what I mention above would actually make things better in the ways I have said.

    Of course libtards will say I'm "mean". But things are breaking down to the point where even liberal controlled cities can no longer deal with the problem -- and frankly they've got it EASY compared to people along the border who deal with many times more illegal immigrants every day than NYC has seen in a year. All coastal libtards should have to actually visit the RGV and see what it is really like. I've spent more time along the border than Biden has. The left just are completely IGNORANT of the truth. And CNN, CNBC, and the other leftist news media (CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, etc) are not honest in their coverage at all so they won't ever say it. For that matter even FOX (which is really center or even slightly left of center these days) really soft pedals their coverage compared to what reality is.


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