29 October 2023

Skip To The End

If you're sitting there with your gun and contemplating murdering a bunch of people...

Then killing yourself.

Skip to the end.

Take a camera to where you were going to shoot everyone, and shoot their picture!

Post to the internet those pics with your suicide note with verbiage to the effect of, "I could have killed all these folks, but I was really mad at myself, so I only killed me."

I will gladly post your name and praise your decision.


  1. They always call it the wrong thing on TV and in the news, so people do it in the wrong order. It shoud be called "suicide murder" not "murder suicide" which changes it from a massive huge horrible tradgedy into a smaller horrible tradgedy.

  2. But then the evil government agents wouldn't have any reason to raid normal people. Think of the government agents and their families that would be out of work and homeless if they couldn't radicalize marginally stable people. All those poor government stooges and their people...

    Seriously though, it's pretty bad that conspiracy theories like the one above seem actually to be plausible.

    Especially when we find out that Mr. BangBang Whackadoodle has been a 'known' threat by various agencies and was 'being studied' or 'been found to be not a threat' right before they became an actual threat.

    And, seriously, hearing voices after getting hearing aids? Wicked weird coincidence there...

    But, yes, I understand your original thought. Be so much better if the suicider would just quietly suicide without taking a cast of tens to hundreds with him/her/it. Especially since they usually chicken out after killing so many, or expect the cops to shoot them and then freak out when they get tased. Luzers!

  3. That is a great idea (pictures vs, actual gun fire). Tells the world of their suffering but they aren't hating on others for it. Also teaches the photographed of a close call and more watching of their surroundings is recommended.


  4. Call me radical but mentally ill people shouldn't have guns. but Maine doesn't have red flag laws, so what can you do? Yeah, I'm all for red flag laws because I don't defend lunatics.Red flag laws bad in your eyes? Then come up with a better way to get guns out of the hands of clearly insane assholes. I've had enough of untreated mentally ill people. -JKing

    1. Maine's "yellow flag" law is, in fact, a red-flag law with the requirement that a psychiatrist sign off, not just a judge.

      Florida has had an excellent not-a-red-flag law called "the baker act" which did and still does everything required of getting a mentally ill person off the street and evaluated.

      The problem with the red flag laws is how they are issued out. Baker acts would be better.

    2. The problem I have with yellow or red flag laws or even laws like Florida's Baker Act is that leaves the state deciding what is and isn't bounds for mental disability towards possessing and owning guns and other things.

      Especially the way the various governments acted during the Covidiocracy and the Greatest Insurrection EVAH on Jan6.

      Same with a lot of Domestic Violence laws and a lot of Family Court laws. Way too easy to jam up totally innocent people for fun and profit.

    3. Florida has an interesting approach. NEWSFLASH: it turns out everyone who knew this lunatic tried getting law enforcement to do something for months, and the cops failed at their job.
      Not surprising. what good is any law if the cops won't enforce it? -JKing

    4. so, Maine's yellow flag law would have worked if the cops enforced it. So I stand corrected on thinking a better law was needed,.-Jking

    5. Law enforcement and the law failed AGAIN. Again. Over and over.

      I think I need to invest in aluminum foil futures.


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