24 October 2023

Jamming Your Blaster

Traveller has something called a "nuclear damper".  It's a beam that enhances the strong nuclear force to prevent nukes from going off.

A throw-away line in an episode of Farscape, "they're jamming pulse weapons, so grab a spear!" got me wondering.

Will there be a field of electronic warfare aimed at disabling energy weapons?


  1. Been a while since I read it but I seem to remember something quite similar from the "Forever War" perhaps? Was an interesting idea, and since I was reading it during my exile living in a M-113 it reinforced the "be prepared for anything since your toys might not always work" for me at least...

  2. I read somewhere that understanding of nuclear forces was required for fusion power. That a nuclear damper was developed in such a timeline isn't how but why did it take you so long?

    Ponder the Fusion Powered Mobile Infantry with their power cut off by a superior technology or by an alternate technology.

    The slug thrower using chemistry may never go out of style.

    1. @Michael: "The slug thrower ... may never go out of style"
      Just finished reading Ralts Bloodthorne's "First Contact" at r/HFY. Eight thousand years hence the humans are still using kinetic weapons (a descandent of the Ma Deuce is still in use!), albeit using magnetic acceleration, and the point is made that a directed energy weapon is limited in frequency and power output, where a projectile weapon can use slugs tuned for need: incendiary, armour-piercing, explosive, DU, anti-matter; a whole smorgasbord of hostile goodness. Of course, the logistics issues favour the beam weapon, but in this world, they have nano-forges and creation engines which handwave away that problem.

    2. The primary arm of the Imperial Army in Traveller is a 4mm gauss rifle.
      The much smaller Marines use the high-order energy weapons like fusion guns.


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