29 October 2023

Oh Noes

Supporting Israel vs Gaza could cost Democrats the Muslim vote, says Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wa-7).

Oh no!

Whatever will they do without 1.1% of the total population of America?

Well, supporting that 1.1% means alienating 2.2% of the population which is Jewish and traditionally Democrat in support.

Or has the recent rhetoric already driven them away?

As Beans pointed out, there's a lot of Americans who're fed up with this 1.1% demographic.  Can the Dems afford to lose them too just to keep the Muslim vote?

Doesn't seem like a good plan.


  1. I wonder if they see the irony in being the "people" who for the last 4 years, at least, have been calling folks like us nazis yet now, THEY are literally cheering on terrorist who slaughter jews, wholesale.... Who am I kidding, they don't possess the self-awareness to notice the reality of their evil. Make no mistake, useful idiots or not, they are PURE EVIL personified. Pity they forgot to disarm us before we realized this, knowing full well there is no "compromising" with PURE EVIL. As they view us, we need to embrace their own philosophy of extermination, lest they do for us.

  2. Not only have they been calling anyone to the right of Chairman Mao a Nazi for years... Now libtard college students are actually openly displaying swastikas along side the Palestinian flag. Pure evil? Yep...


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