30 October 2023

Gun Free Victim Zone AGAIN?

Bearing Arms reports that the bowling alley the Maine shooter shot up was marked as a gun-free zone.


  1. No Way !! You mean Card didn't even read the sign before he entered ? I'd sure ask for my $$$ back.

    Not too surprising, many mass shooter locations have similar signage. Its almost as if the sign actually attracts bad intentions like a mass shooter wants.


  2. I'm not surprised. Most bowling alleys serve beer (and a lot have a full bar), and usually in blue states that means no firearms allowed. The other location was definitely a bar so chances are it is a Designated Victim Zone as well.

  3. But but but...doesn't a "Gun Free Zone---No Guns Allowed" sign affect a would-be mass shooter or other gun criminal the way a crucifix, holy water or garlic affect a vampire?

    1. It's un-possible for a criminal to ignore the law! Aren't those signs some kind of magical shield?

  4. I need to get some "Designated Victim Zone -- self defense not permitted here" stickers made up and start affixing them to 30.06/30.07/30.05 and 51% signs. Well. the 51% normally the owners don't have any choice to post (unless it's invalid) but the others they put up on their own. For non-Texans these are the only legally enforceable signs here. The "gunbuster" and other signs not meeting the criteria in the law (1" tall letters in contrasting colors and exact verbiage in both English and Spanish) have no legal force. There are lots of invalid signs posted at places, usually too small, missing the Spanish version or not the correct wording.


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