26 October 2023

Holy Shit It's Not A Leftist In A Deep Blue Gun Free Zone

Apparently some fuck nut has gone nuts in Maine.

It's noteworthy because the person they've named isn't your typical far left nutcase and Maine has what most of us would consider good gun laws.

This is a first!

I guess it had to happen eventually.

Bet the media will be making hay on this one, because they sure couldn't do so with the last... um... every mass shooting.


  1. Yeah, the state of Maine isn't known for many TV headlines. Some a$$hole went nutz and decided he wanted to become famous at the expense of the public. What a douche !


  2. This is certainly to get interesting. Maine is a mostly Caucasian state with shooter of that ilk and apparently a military trained shooting instructor to boot, with known severe mental issues.
    Why he was not under much closer scrutiny is the question of the hour, followed by how this is going to be portrayed by the media. Kind of difficult for em, not a white on black issue so no narrative support on that angle, guess it will be the "all AR style guns bad" approach which will fly like a lead balloon in a gun culture and hunting friendly state.

  3. The sad thing is the guy was institutionalized and then they let him go. It's obvious that he still needed more treatment. Mental health services in this country are not at all adequate. Too many people need help and can't get it or are allowed to refuse it. This guy is an extreme example. From what I've read he was known to have made threats, credible threats, that he not just was capable of but planned violence. The system really dropped the ball here. And now it appears that they will blame people who are not even involved instead of addressing the real problem, which is inablility or unwillingness of government to fund and enforce mental health care.


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