28 June 2021

How's Cop Cock Taste?

The recent case where a cop rolls up on a dead active shooter and the armed citizen who ended the active shooting; then wastes the INNOCENT armed citizen is NOT A GOOD SHOOT.

How can I tell?

Because if YOU or I rolled up on that exact same scenario and shot the armed citizen, we'd (rightfully) be facing murder charges.

The cops shoot the wrong person far too often.

All in the name of "officer safety".

I've railed on this shit before.  Great powers, no responsibility.

Kill anyone you want, you're cop, no consequences of you follow the departmental policy.

Departmental policy and training which doesn't care about innocent civilians as long as the cop gets home alive.

The State has a DUTY to not murder its innocent citizens.  The State has a DUTY to make sure of whom is who before opening fire.

Even if that costs a few agents of the state to do so.

You wanted the job, Officer, these are the risks you must assume when you take it.  When you put on the uniform you stop being you and become a small piece of The State.  The State will survive and even thrive if it loses you.  The innocent citizen, you were supposed to be protecting, died because of your failure to do any sort of investigation.  Did you even yell, "Stop! Police!" before you opened fire without understanding what was going on?

Maybe if your professional organizations and unions weren't so Hell bent on fucking my rights over every time someone hints at expanding carry rights in Florida I'd have a modicum of sympathy.

It's high time we on the pro-rights side of things start getting it through our thick skulls that the cops are The State and not us.

The State should always be held to a higher standard on the use of force than a citizen, not a lower one; because The State is not in mortal danger even if 20 cops die rushing into an active shooting.


  1. Well said. One habit cops have got into that I wish they'd stop is referring to non-cops as "civilians." When I hear them say that, I want to ask: "When were you subsumed into the military, Herr Sturmbannfuhrer? Do you come under the UCMJ or not?" Too many cops get away with shit because their unions protect them. Letting government workers unionize was a disastrous mistake.

  2. agree with one caveat. they can shoot any WHITE person they want and be exonerated. any other shade and its 20 to life. former leo myself.


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