04 December 2021

I Don't Care About Gun Violence

What I care about is immoral violence, regardless of the instrumentality.

It doesn't matter what the murder weapon is, the murder is wrong.

It doesn't matter what I defend myself with, the defense is good.

It's not violence we need to fight, but immoral violence.


  1. The whole term has got to be made-up by the anti-gunners. Nobody talks about "hands and feet violence" but more people are killed by hands and feet than by ALL rifles.

    I use it as a litmus test. If someone talks about gun violence I challenge them with that statement. If they start denying or saying "yes, but" you know it's just about them hating icky guns.

  2. I agree with both of you. People have been killing each other for a lot longer than guns have existed and in places where guns are banned, continue to do so.


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