01 June 2023

A List Of Criminal Accomplices

Some Latino businesses are going on strike today to show what a day without immigrants looks like.

As always, they're trying to muddy the water.

Florida's shiny new immigration law isn't about legal immigrants, it's about illegal immigrants.

If you have the requisite identification, your being an immigrant doesn't matter to this law.

The article makes a big deal about there being more Hispanics in the Tampa area than ever before!

Then makes note that those numbers don't include illegals.

Huzzah to the 100,000 new Hispanic residents of the Tampa area whom are here completely legally!

I have no problems with y'all.  Or the millions of others in the area.

But those people, my legit neighbors, aren't the people this law is about.

The press and the accomplices of illegal immigration keep trying to make this about all immigration and not about the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.


  1. Yeah, this is one that really gets to me... Working in IT for the last... Well, too long. Seeing "the Industry" cry that there is a shortage of "qualified IT workers" and so we need to loosen up the standards for visas and allow them to import workers... There was never a real lack of IT workers. There WAS a lack of IT workers willing to work for less than minimum wage, and THAT was a problem for the big companies of course :-)... Seems the same thing was common in a lot of places. Meat packer was a good job back in the 70's, now it is a given that the only legal workers are the ones who manage the plants. But we have cheaper chicken from Tyson, so no one really complains too loudly... I'd bet we do not really need new laws if we actually enforced the ones we have on the books, and the lack of easy employment would work wonders on the number of folks crossing the border for economic reasons... Ah, but what politician has the will (and votes to stay in office after) to actually even suggest this? Almost like there is a reason that certain groups want the country flooded with outsiders... But my opinion might be colored a bit being in Texas where we are dealing with a LOT of this silliness...

  2. When they declared "A Day Without Immigrants" out in California, my brother reports that he loved it---the traffic was much more manageable without so many cars clogging up the roads.

    1. Driving would probably be a lot safer if we could get illegals off the roads. But chances are, almost none of them participate in this kind of political theater. The grandstanders who do this are mostly not even really immigrants or at least not recent ones. Most of the people who cry the most about this issue are wealthy white liberals and people of color who were born here. Yes, their parents may even have been immigrants, but they basically have nothing to do with the illegal immigration problem at all other than being apologists for it.

      Anyway... around here a disproportionate number of traffic fatalities involve undocumented drivers. The media dances around it, and they no longer report if someone is not here legally, but if you actually check the records you find out what the truth is. A very large percentage involve drivers with no license, no insurance, often cars not even legally registered. Many of these accidents involve drugs/alcohol, cars that are unsafe hoopty-mobiles and drivers who are inexperienced/uneducated and often illiterate.
      We've got a big problem with people fleeing the scene and failing to render aid, etc., because they don't want to stick around because they are afraid of getting arrested or deported. Many have warrants out already.

      What we should do is if you get caught driving w/o license, insurance and registration and aren't in the country legally your vehicle should be impounded and auctioned. If there were an incentive for police and the courts to take action there wouldn't be so many irresponsible drivers on the road. And if they can't drive here, maybe they won't come.

      Also we need to fine employers who knowingly (or should know) employ people who are illegal. If they can't work here, maybe they won't come.

      And landlords shouldn't be allowed to rent to people who aren't here legally. If they were fined as well, they would hold higher standards... And if they couldn't find a place to live... maybe they wouldn't come.


  3. I agree - they are obfuscating when they combine legal and illegals as one and the same equivalent. They aren't, not by a long shot.

    As long as a person went through the trouble of applying and receiving U.S. citizenship following protocol and law, we're good - Glad to have you.

    If you are attempting to come and stay illegally - nope. Though bonus points awarded for the hard working attempting to make a better life for themselves and their family. Triple Nope that if the illegal able bodied person apply for U.S. taxpayer funded benefits - those funds are for people who truly need it.


  4. Here in Texas we see the brunt of illegal immigration worse than any other state. Even California, Arizona and New Mexico which also share the border and are over-run, just not quite as bad. People from the north just don't understand. They only know about the problem from sound bites, and if they're getting it from the biased liberal media they aren't getting the truth. Even FOX soft pedals it compared to what is really going on because a lot of their big corporate overlords want the cheap labor too.

    I'm not against immigration. Legal immigration is needed. But the system as it is now is broken. With so many people coming in illegally we can't begin to properly manage the situation. We know what needs to be done to get things under control, but the Feds won't let it happen.

  5. Aw damn... forgot to sign that one... It was me, SoftwareJanitor... I got in a hurry because this is a major issue for those of us around here... -swj


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