13 June 2023

Gurneys Leave With People Come Back Empty

They do the preliminaries with you in a gurney and then wheel you into the procedure room, then wheel you to a recovery area.

While you're waiting for your turn though...  A gurney with a person leaves and an empty one is put in their spot.

Having both read and seen "All Quiet on the Western Front" it's funny the way they do things at the GI clinic.

It's like the dying room scene!

I, however, did not die.

Typical getting old results.  They took some biopsies from my esophagus, found no polyps in my rear, so back to the 5-year schedule.


  1. we are certainly glad you are back...and appearing healthy...panzer guy

  2. From my experience, it is much like dying. Of course, I suffered from the Cleanse for weeks after.

  3. Congratulations on the results of your tests. It sounds like you are eating the right stuff and doing the right things.

    I don't know if same happened to you, but when I was still asleep from my rear end exam (colonoscopy), doctor rouses me and tells me the details of exam. Meanwhile, I'm still reeling with 'wheredafugamI?'. Not a good time to be discussing results Doc.



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