26 June 2023

Maybe It's The Science Fiction

I sometimes wonder if the friction I have with so many people is because science-fiction taught me that someone could be radically different from me and still be a person.

It really stems from Traveller.

Vargr are people.

Droyne are people.

Aslan are people.

Hiver are people.

Even fucking K'Kree are people.

But it started earlier.

Kzinti and Pierson's Puppeteers are people.

They don't look like me, they don't act like me, but they are still people.

It makes it easy to consider someone is a person when they look a lot like me, but only differ in skin color, hair color, what they wear or who they wanna fuck.

I don't even care Who they call God.

As long as what they do doesn't hurt anyone, I'm content.

Especially if it doesn't hurt me or mine.

There's a list of things that DO hurt others that I'm opposed to and would be perfectly willing to mete out punishments for.

Like wanting to fuck kids.  Like convincing kids that it's OK for people to fuck them.

But I just can't get upset about someone wearing the "wrong" clothes using the "wrong" shitter if all they're doing is shitting.  Let he who has never used the single hole women's room at a gas station when the men's was occupied cast the first stone.

If they're up to something else, I will buy the gas for the wood-chipper.

But you've got to prove it was nefarious first.

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