14 June 2023

Gas Prices

I want to remind everyone that gas is cheaper now than it was under Obama.

I want to point out that much of the reason that gas was even cheaper under Trump was Wu Ping Cough driving demand through the floor with an asteroid going a significant percentage of c.  Plus an increase in domestic production, but that had less effect than the demand side.

Considering the appalling inflation numbers, gas might actually be the same price as during Trump...  That's fucking terrifying with its implications.


  1. I seem to remember one member of the Obama administration happily trying to get the US gas prices up to the European level like that was some sort of "good" goal to aspire to.... But then I live in the middle of a bunch of oil fields now and so the local attitude is that high oil prices is not really a bad thing? As a driver, I do not feel that way of course, but...

  2. A lot of lefties view higher gas prices as a good thing in order to try to force people to electric vehicles even though they are far worse for the overal environment in the long run (manufacturing batteries and all of the charging infrastructure and power grid issues). Biden's administration just hasn't been able to get away with doing the things to raise it like they would like because of the current economic issues. Obama's people could get away with stupid gas prices because we were in an economic downturn from 2008-2012 with relatively low inflation. Biden's time has seen massive inflation (due largely to Covid bailouts) and raising gas prices to where the left would like would fuel that fire even more because fuel costs directly feed into transportation costs for goods among other reasons.

  3. Part of the problem is that supply is tighter, partly thanks to Biden's administration's "green" fetish and partly due to the stupid, unnecessary Ukraine war.


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