20 June 2023


According to the Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 1st Edition main rule book...

Dwarfs are noteworthy miners, but no notes about being technologically superior to any of the other four player races other than mentioning they're experts at metalworking.

Here's the racial description:

Dwarfs are short, burly creatures, immediately recognisable by their long hair and thick beards. They have a natural affinity with the mountains, where they live in caverns and mines hewn from the rock. Dwarfs are expert stone-workers, and generally adept at all manner of industrial crafts, such as ironworking, the making of fine swords and the manufacture of superb jewellery. Some Dwarfs live amongst Humans as metal-workers or craftsmen of some kind, and their work is highly prized. Physically they are resilient, quite strong and rather ugly. They are somewhat greedy, gruff, unfriendly, short-tempered and antisocial. They tolerate Humans because they have so many business dealings with them, but dislike Elves, who they find arrogant and irritating, and with whom they have little in common. They favour axes as weapons of war, and make very sturdy Warriors. They are not very magical, however, and their disposition tends to make them rather poor Academics.

West Pondish spellings in the original.

I get that they do more industrial stuff and are on the cutting edge, but nothing that says they're ahead of the other races.


  1. In Warhammer Fantasy Battle, they're described as very clockpunk/steampunk as far as technology goes. The other races fly on flying beasts of various sorts, but Dwarfs have "Thwopters," basically, steam-powered one-man helicopters they use in battle. The dwarfs that fly them are considered to be nearly as crazy as Slayers.

    1. Nobody has that sort of tech in WFRP 1e. The magic is much lower key than WHFB too.


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