30 June 2023


There was a day when I stopped calling my dad.

I realized that I was the one doing all the work staying in contact.

Since then he has only initiated contact one time.

He called me to tell me his mom had died... a month after the funeral.

He figured that I wouldn't show up, so didn't think I needed to be informed BEFORE the funeral.

That's the last time we've communicated.

That was 15 years ago.

I did send him a birthday card for his 80th birthday.

No reply.

I feel like I was the one written off in this "relationship" and not me writing him off.


But it's odd that the moment I stopped putting in any effort, communication stopped.  It's not like he didn't know my phone number.

But I'm familiar with this.

My sister doesn't speak to me anymore either.  She's got more justification.  I was not a good brother and she got to hear all the horror stories from Mom when I was trying to process my PTSD.

Mom didn't get to live long enough to see me on the other side of that.

I don't wonder about my sister at all, and I hope she is happy and successful without me.  She would have been far happier if I'd never been in her life, to be honest.

C'est la vie.


  1. That's a tough row to hoe, man, I sympathize with you struggles, Be strong.

  2. My sister is an incurable, head-in-the-sand liberal. Tragic. She used to be so fun, downright hilarious. Then she went to Gonzaga.

  3. My brother is a longer and sadder story than I have room or time for here. My Dad passed last year. My Mom is selling the house up north and moving to Texas soon. Hopefully my brother won't try to follow. I sometimes feel some obligation to try to help him but he is uncooperative. He's mentally unwell but won't seek or accept help because he thinks he's the sane one and everyone else is crazy.

  4. Forgot to sign that previous message... -swj

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