30 June 2023

Diet And Exercise

Only a highly educated person like an MD could come up with this.

My handicapped parking permit application was not signed by my doc because, when she told me to exercise, I said I was going to try riding a bike.

Not that I was successfully riding a bike, that I was going to try.

Apparently, if you can ride a bicycle, it doesn't matter how far you can walk.

I'm going take a picture of her face when I ask, "So I should ditch the cane and use the bike to get around?"

Because if the bike counts as my mobility now, I'm getting a tax-payer funded van to haul it around in... which will come with a handicapped license plate.

Bullshit like this infuriates me to no end.

Especially sitting here at the bottom of the service-connected food chain with a 10% rating.  A rating that needs to be increased, but the government is EXCELLENT at avoiding their own rules for doing.

If I had a 100% rating for something psychological I could get a "Disabled Veteran" license plate for every car and it's a handicapped permit.  Oh, and I wouldn't have to get my eligibility checked every three years.  That disabled veteran plate is for life.

So in the twisted world of government, PTSD can park in the handicapped spot of the gym; but someone with busted up legs can walk a mile because they can ride a bike.


  1. hey Angus,

    I only got 10% for hearing, I keep trying to increase my rating for my fucked up knees and other things relating to the gulf War syndrome, but it keeps getting shot down by the VA, but you are right about the PTSD crowd, Sure I could claim "PTSD" but with the way .gov works, that would put me on a list and they would use that to strip my 2nd amendment rights from me. Sure they may not do it now, but they will.get the PTSD info from the VA and get some washy judge to sign off on it and off to the races...and all those veterans that saw a chance at easy money get fucked.

    1. There's law firms that specialize in this. I am very close to giving one of them a call to chase my ambulance.

      The VA's own doctors all agree that my issues with walking stem from the service connected injury, and my rating should be increased. But it's a conflict of interest for them to actually sign the forms.

      Maybe Lionel Hutz has a Doctor Nick who will do that and exert some influence getting me a board.


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