07 June 2023


The shooter was arrested upon completion of the investigation!

I'm actually shocked.

Not that she was arrested.  Shooting through the door is hard to justify.

I am shocked that the likes of Ben Crump were angry at someone worth being angry with for a change!

Side note to Sheriff Woods: She had called you.  Repeatedly.  You did nothing, and when law enforcement checks out, the people start to take matters into their own hands.  Dwell on your failure, Sheriff.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to watch.
    But someone beating your door down, years younger, making violent threats, present exigent circumstances that's going to be a tough sell to make shooting through the door felonious over-reaction to a jury unless they recruit purely from The Diversity.

    (I demur on the details and intricacies of FL's "Stand Your Ground" laws, but do they maintain one must needs wait until the door is breached and one is as defenseless as a de-shelled crab before opening fire?
    Dirty Harry's Policy On Shooting Rapists comes to mind.)

    So the process is the punishment, yet again.
    And yes, pension-seeking law enforcement being MIA, and feral parents and chirruns who could not grasp the concept of private property, are the proximate causes of the problem. Pointedly, the arrested woman was not shooting through her neighbor's door, nor was she hunting those kids from range. If a jury can find mens rea in a senior citizen trapped inside their house under those circumstances, a general societal bloodletting and ethnic cleansing is approaching like a freight train, and of necessity.


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