15 June 2023

Not Like Lucy

The conservative "relationship" with the Republican party isn't that of Lucy and the football.

It's constantly wiping jizz off their chins after being promised they won't cum in their mouth.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. On any average day, there's maybe 3-5 actual conservatives serving in Congress as Republicans.
    The GOP is more afraid of them than they are of Democrats, because they and their constituency actually expect their representatives to do things.

    Rayburn's Rule has never been repealed:
    "If you want to get along, go along."

    People from either party who rock the boat get tossed overboard.

  3. Even in Texas a large portion of "Republicans" are RINOs. Republicans In Name Only. They profess to being conservative but are big spenders and will sell out rights like 2A in a heartbeat. A lot of the older ones were Democrats back in the day before the party power shifts in the state. There are actually a few Democrats from certain (highly Catholic) districts who are more conservative than a lot of the Republicans on certain issues like abortion. -swj


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