25 June 2023

I Think It Applies To Russians Too

Rule one, page one, book one of the Book of War says, "Do not march on Moscow, it is no good."

Just because Prigozhin is Russian doesn't change that.

As much as I'd like to see Putin removed and someone less Staliny take over...

I don't think Wagner Group is going to do it, and it appears they've already made a deal to not.


  1. I wouldn't be quite so hasty, for reasons I'll get to later today.

    The half-wits cock-a-doodle-dooing on the brevity of this event are thinking with their little heads.
    That it happened at all is like watching new smoke issue from a long-dormant volcano.
    More to follow, and none of it happy news.

  2. Whatever happens to Putin, whenever- his replacement will probably be worse.

  3. I can't ETA, but---
    Anyone taking odds on when Prishoygan is going to fall out a window?

  4. Worse for who? Enjoy Joe 10%....and thanks for the warcrimes...


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