03 June 2023

First Dive

Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 1e to GURPS 4e:  Stats.

Obviously, we're going to toss the old system's number in favor of the new, but we have to select values that reflect those in the old system.

WFRP has many more stats that GURPS.

14 vs 4 primary, 4 derived.

WFRP gambles for stats and GURPS spends points.  So we see what the dice will give and see if there's a basis for comparison with GURPS.

Strength, Wounds, Dexterity and Intelligence equate to ST, HT, DX and IQ.  Will Power equates to Will.

Movement equates to Basic Speed.

The standard human will come in at just under the default GURPS starting level.  8 or 9 compared to 10 based on the chance of a check against that stat succeeding.

The career classes add to the stats give suggestions to add to the stats, so most character templates will get more than GURPS 10's.

The WFRP encumbrance system is a weight and bulk composite model, GURPS is pure weight.

Some rough calculations makes me think that just using the GURPS Basic Lift will come out close enough at the end of the day so we can ignore the WFRP numbers entirely.  Between the Basic Set and Low Tech, we have all the equipment listed in WFRP, so just use the GURPS numbers.

I'm going to use Low Tech to generate the armor listed already, so...

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