20 June 2023


Tomorrow, in 2018, fully accredited scientist uneducated teenager Greta Thunberg said that the world would end in five years if we didn't stop using fossil fuels.

Well, it's been five years.

Gentlebeings.  It has been a pleasure being daring with all y'all!

Unless, of course, she's wrong.

Like all these climate alarmists have been since the mid 1970's; from Mann to Gore.


  1. Since the 50's, starting with the anti-nuke protestors and the 60's with the attacks on vaccines and pesticides and the start of the environutjobmovement.

    All have said, "Weesa gonna diesa in 5/10/15 yearssa."

  2. In the 1990s there were lots of doomsday predictions for 2000... then around 2000 there were a lot of 2020 end of life as we know it prognosticators. Greta doesn't even think big. To her, 5 years probably seemed like a long time away to make a prediction. -swj

  3. Now, to be fair, she didn't say we'd die today. She said that, if we didn't give up fossil fuels by today, our doom would be inescapable. Not that I think any of her followers will appreciate the distinction, but commitment to truth is one of the big ways we're better than they are.

    1. Even better! If it's inescapable there's even less reason to stop now.


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