16 June 2023

More On That Drag Show

Gateway Pundit has picked up the story.

While they don't mention it, choosing to quote the venues general policies:

 "All persons entering a venue, including babies in arms, must have a ticket."


"Attendance of children under 2 years of age may not be recommended for some performances."

The actual link to tickets says, "This show is 18+."

So I don't give a fuck that Yuengling is sponsoring it.

What consenting adults do is up to them. 

What pisses me off here is Gateway Pundit being just like the mainstream media and selectively quoting the venue to make it appear as if children were welcome at the event.

In the Royal Navy we call that a lie.

This is also why I am not a real live red-state conservative.


  1. I don't subscribe to every belief that "red state conservatives" are supposed to either. Particularly, I'm non-religious, so all the "christian right" stuff does nothing for me. -swj

  2. I've never been a kiver-to-kiver conservative, despite getting along with them very well on an individual basis. Their religiosity annoys me, and their fetus fetish bids fair to tear this country apart.


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