30 June 2023

Gun Cleaning

I know that with modern primers and powders coupled with modern materials passivation that cleaning after every range trip is not necessary.

But I clean Harvey's carry gun every time so that it doesn't make the inside of her rig dirty.

I also tend to clean the guns that don't have modern passivation right away so that they get a light sheen of oil on them to block the air.  This also holds for the occasional use guns that get stored way more than shot.

I am sure there's some drill sergeant shaped scars influencing my decision, but I am also not near as aggressive about getting the guns clean as when I was in the military.

Perfect being the mortal enemy of good-enough, I stop before I add wear from cleaning.

Proper solvents makes the job so much easier than using Break-Free CLP for everything.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much more efficient and smart you can be about cleaning weapons when you're no longer handicapped and hamstrung by servicing the IQ of the dumbest private in the bunch.


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