19 June 2023

Then Why Do You Trust This Survey

If you don't trust John Lott, then why do you trust the National Firearms Survey?

Surveys depend on extrapolation from a small population and applying that to a larger population.

485 million guns still seems critically low, especially when 25 million guns are added every year.

Our dear, departed, Weaponsman came up with 412-660 million guns back in 2016!

So it's prolly 587 to 935 million by now.

The 48% have owned a 10 round or bigger magazine seems sus too.

I'm a collector of old guns, they're the ones what have the smaller magazines.

New guns with smaller magazines are the exception, not the rule.

The percentage of AR ownership seems unlikely too.

According to MY observation, every gun owner has a 10+ magazine.  90% of rifle shooters have an AR.

That's just looking at what the lanes around me at the range have.

I think that the survey respondents are skewing the numbers FUDDwise because we're very reluctant to reply to "anonymous" surveys when there's a political movement to ban normal capacity magazines and modern sporting rifles still being taken seriously.

How many times have you gotten an ad for something you'd been chatting about, but had never entered into your computer?

It's kind of tinfoil hat territory, but I don't think the actual cross section of gun ownership has been or can be polled honestly.

Especially not when formerly pro-gun states like Colorado, Oregon and Washington collapsed into anti-gun states in a shockingly short span of time.

Admission of ownership now could lead to arrest and confiscation tomorrow.

Not all of us are willing to post photos on their blog and be the chirping canary.


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  2. Huh, as a collector of those older firearms myself I agree those numbers seem far too low to be correct. Rifles, but I am also an outlier as I do not own an AR type rifle. Heck, even a fair number of the weapons I own have the 10+ round magazines... Mind, the SMLE is not usually reloaded by swapping magazines, but I suppose you could? "Several" other types, but until recently with the drumbeat of "no one should own an AR" tells me that I REALLY need an AR.... But then I also understand a great deal of hesitancy in talking about what I might or might not have for a lot of folks...

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