01 June 2023

Home TL

When a stone-age asshole in a cave in Afghanistan has a smart phone, one has to wonder what's going on with the tech-level.

They can't make smart phones in Kandahar.  Kandahar is, tops, TL5.  Smart phones are TL8.

This makes me wonder at what's available in "lower" TL's in Traveller.

All kinds of stuff, I imagine.

They can't make it, but many things are simple enough to operate that a TL skill isn't needed.

1 comment:

  1. Then you have low-tech hi-tech situations, like 1806stonehouse on yousetubs. A 200+ stone house being renovated with modern TL8 materials. Insulation, wiring, appliances, modern lumber, modern interior finishes, using modern tools (okay, tools ranging from TL3 to TL8) and so forth.

    Just because you have a high TL doesn't mean you have to use high TL. Or you can get a mish-mash of TLs in your abode.


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